Sunday, January 6, 2008


With the holiday over, it's time to get back to this blogging thing! Micheal has tried to load new pictures, but couldn't remember the acct id & password, so after trying all the variations of my 'regular' choices, we're back in business! Christmas was surprisingly good, even relaxing at times - though not on Christmas day, of course! Now if I only remember to give Micheal the info to get in here, maybe there'll be some photos...


Gretchen said...

I love blogs! I don't have lots of time for mine but I enjoy doing it when I do.
Here's the link


White Family said...

Welcome to the blogging world! I put a link to your blog from mine - so I can stay up to date with you crazy neighbors of ours! (the one's we never seem to see.) We just got back from Diznee - check out the blog. Later ;o) Heather